Projects we do

The projects Vestano International undertake are special,
and we are adamant about its quality. From the very beginning till the end,
we work with all our hearts. The works we do are identifiable by its profile.
Let's meet you there with your dream project!

Textile Shop:

When commencing a new business, it is necessary that you complete every procedure prior to its functioning. Textile is a dynamic industry that needs to be updated every now and then. Fashion gets new identity within a fraction of time. When you approach us, we will take care of all aspects that come under the establishment of a textile shop. From budgeting, registration, installation, training, store layout, accounting, stock allocation, to strategies, we will get you covered. It is crucial to study which range of customers you are targeting, what satisfies that group, how well they are into fashion etc. The final product is a textile that offers everything the customer needs!


Supermarket is one of the groups in retail sector that is dynamic. Over the years, it has been studied that the sector is making significant growth. The chances of you running a successful supermarket business is high, but only when the ground work is done properly. Vestano takes care of your big dreams and business project. From the very beginning, we can draw you the lines of success. We undertake all the aspects of supermarket business before the commencement and after too. Why wait?


A hotel is indeed a big responsibility, and not everyone who starts this business knows everything about it. That is why you need a project support. Vestano International is a comprehensive solution for your new venture. We cover the areas from the very first step to the completion of it. We examine the investment and market needs, then we move on to design and licensing. With a proper contractor consultation, construction and quality control, we are good to deliver the project.

Mobile Outlets:

An advanced mobile outlet shall adjust with the trend and customer choices. Vestano International paves way to all kinds of flexibility to the outlet. From our planning to its closure, we have everything prepared. We design the store layout in a way that it seeks more attention from the public. We set up the best software for the store, choose the newest collections of products for display- we build a viable market for it!

meet our consultants

We can help you stand out your business